
One More Thing

Actually, two, but that wouldn't be a Jackie Chan Adventures reference. First is that I forgot to mention, but that last one was my 100th post. Oh, sorry. My 10016th post, I meant. Or alternatively my 25610th. Also (because other numerical bases fascinate me), in base-6, all prime numbers other than 2 and 3 end in a 5 or a 1.

And the second is this guy—British oh what a surprise—I came across while searching for something else was saying that SF fans are sexist because they don't buy as many books by female authors. Which, uh, what if they don't happen to want to read them? No no, he said. I'm not kidding, it may not always be easy to tell, but this guy actually said—he did not imply, he outright said—that we ought to set quotas of female authors and buy books to fill them.

Sigh. The civilized world is now aware that protectionism lowers the quality of the protected industry's output. Plus, seriously, what cave on Mars has he been living in not to know that affirmative action is viewed as undercutting the real achievements of the very people it's supposed to benefit? I'm pretty sure the average Soviet citizen had more contact with the opposition's point of view than this guy.

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