
That's Amore

The meaning of "sarang", that is.

Watched Moon yesterday. Overall a good movie, though the premise is stupid—if you're that concerned to save money, and you can build AIs (as they plainly can), why bother sending people up at all?—but that last line, the radio voiceover that says "He's either a wacko or an illegal immigrant, and either way he should be locked up. Line 2!"

Dude, seriously, what are you, Dr. Strangelove? Your movie was already left-wing enough with its utterly improbable corporate villainy, you didn't need to add "And talk radio is in on it!" Really, though, no corporation would do this: even a marginally competent cost-benefit analysis would reveal that purely robotic mining is an assload cheaper than mass cloning, especially since they can already afford to send weak AI-solutions up. Therefore the only reason they would've gone with this, is to try and be just as evil as they damn well can. Corporations only do the evil thing when it's cheaper.


penny farthing said...

Maybe being evil is a perk that their CEO demanded in lieu of a bonus? Or maybe they knew they could blow any money they want because they will get a bailout. Besides, maybe after doing a cost/benefit analysis they thought the cost of making clones and sending them to space was outweighed by the benefit of being evil. You know how these corporations are.

Sophia's Favorite said...

Wow. That's more smartass than me.

Are you all right?