
One Small Step

Well. Watch this video. You may wish to mute it, if you don't like Forbidden Planet-esque theramin music (I actually sorta do like it).

Cool, huh? Guess who made it?

No, not me. Her. I told you she was a filmmaker. She made it with stop motion in a barn-type building on the University of Arizona farm...campus...deal... (O dear sister, if you read this, kindly correct my hazy recollections). That moon sand? Yeah, that's very high-grade sandbox sand. White stuff. Must've been expensive (I don't actually think it was all that expensive). That little rover-thingy is like nine inches long or so.

I went and hung out with her while she was making part of it, drinking carbonated blueberry juice and munching pretzel chips, while listening to Alice Cooper's radio show. But the best part was when she was going to talk to the guys doing it, and discussing how the little rover's beamed power transmission should work. The guy was constructing a big framework for, if I recall correctly, hydroponics. Let me bold and allcaps that: HYDROPONICS. There were tanks and heat lamps and a big framework that kinda looked like a stargate (frame for a round tunnel?).

Woohoo. Now hopefully this damn thing will actually get picked up (I ain't holding my breath).

1 comment:

penny farthing said...

Yay! You beat me to the punch - I was going to blog about this too. It was super fun to make, and you couldn't ask for a better spot than a farm across the street from a Trader Joe's. They got a bit of funding, and they have a full-sized, sealed greenhouse built and operational. They submitted another grant yesterday, so hopefully later this summer they'll know if they get another funding chunk.