
Daht Iss Vun Bigk Lie!

So bin Ladin's dead. Good riddance and may God have mercy on his (terrorist piece of shit) soul, etc.

But I just thought I'd point out, to all the idiots saying "Ha ha, Fox News can't spell 'Osama'!", close the holes in your faces, the stupid is leaking out.

Here's the deal: 'Usama' is, from a scholarly standpoint, more correct. Modern Standard Arabic has three vowels: A, I, and U. Notice O's not on that list? Yeah. 'Osama' comes from how they said it in Afghanistan, but it makes sense that Fox News would use the language used by Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiya, and every other news source in the Arab world. Unless you think writing Arabic with a fake Persian accent makes you look cool?

Oh I know, let's also refer to the prince of the UK who just got married as Villiam. I mean, since you think theatrically faking a foreign accent should be standard practice at all news outlets, and everything. At least he actually is German (the post title is what his ancestor George II said when informed his father's death had made him king), while bin Laden was, in fact, an Arab, not a Persian.

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